
Don’t take our word for it, see what our current and past athletes have to say about working with Intelligent Triathlon Training

Paul Kelly | AG Ironman WC Qualifier | Coach - Mark Pearce

“Working with Mark over the past three years has been transformative for my triathlon journey. Since I started working with Mark, I have smashed personal bests but also celebrated an age group victory in Cascais 70.3 and placed high in my age group at both the Lahti 70.3 World Championships and Ironman Nice World Championships.

Mark’s coaching extends far beyond training schedules; There are no cookie-cutter plans with Mark. He imparts invaluable wisdom that has guided my strategic and mental approach to competing at a high level. I enjoy knowing the why of each session and why it’s important at a certain time of the year. His insights are delivered with a clarity that only someone with profound expertise and a genuine passion for triathlon can offer. Whether discussing race strategy or tweaking training sessions, Mark’s advice is always underpinned by a deep understanding of triathlon science and experience.

As a parent of two young boys, his approach is flexible, adapting to the inevitable ebbs and flows of life and training. Even at 47 years old, every season, every race seems to be a step forward in my athletic development and reaffirming my love for this sport. Here’s to more PBs and, hopefully, podiums. But most importantly for me, continued joy in the sport under Mark’s expert guidance”!

Jane Hannah | AG Sprint to Ironman | Coach - Sam Proctor

“Sam is the perfect coach for me. He gives me the structure, accountability, and no-nonsense approach I need. I am not into data at all, so it’s great that he does all that for me; I just follow the programme.

I trust his processes completely and know that when he puts a session in, he believes I can do it, and so that means I should as well. They don’t always go to plan, but we usually get there eventually. He is also really accommodating when I throw in that I want to run 50 miles on a weekend! Thanks to Sam, I feel that I have a great level of fitness all year round and that we can fine-tune things as the triathlon season comes along!

James Chantler-Mayne | ITU Elite | Coach - Mark Pearce

“I have worked with Mark for just under a year now. We have worked together to create a properly bespoke plan for me.

Mark’s enthusiasm and attention to detail is second to none. You will not be disappointed working with Mark”.

Paul Lockyer | AG Ironman | Coach - Sam Proctor

“I began my Ironman journey pretty late having watched an event a friend was competing in. As a complete novice I was recommended to ITT by a number of current triathletes who had worked with Mark for some time.

On joining ITT I was thrilled to be taken under Sam's wing to lead me through to my first triathlon at Ironman Hamburg. From the initial introduction call to being encouraged in the actual race, flying past me in the Pro race, Sam was there guiding and getting me into some shape to hear the words... You are an Ironman. Without Sam and the tailored plans he put in place, I would not have achieved that goal. Always on the end of a phone when needed. I always dropped a line on Training Peaks when things were going well. Always telling you as it is and not sugarcoating what will be hard! 

18 months later, Sam has got me through my 2nd Ironman. Vastly improved on the first and with the knowledge and support to push on and go for more. I could not have achieved my IM journey without Sam, a pro but one who understands all our journeys in the sport and is willing to guide us to our own dreams.

Thanks so much Sam. 

Tom Williams | AG 70.3 & ROC | Coach - Mark Pearce

“After five years of using generic training plans and self-coaching, I decided it was time to seek professional help. As an ambitious amateur who enjoys understanding the ‘why’, I knew I wanted a coach with experience working with athletes at a high level and with a background in physiology.

Mark and Intelligent Triathlon Training fit that bill perfectly. I’ve been working with Mark for 6 months now, and my only regret is that I hadn’t started sooner. Mark has removed the element of guesswork from my training and I’m confident that I’m doing the right type and amount of training at the right time to get the best from myself. Mark is always there to answer any questions and is accommodating if we need to alter the plan around other commitments or the weather here in Wales! Although we’ve only been working together for a short amount of time, I’ve already seen good improvement, particularly on the bike. This reaffirms that I made the right decision in choosing ITT and makes me excited to see what I can achieve with Mark’s guidance.

Roger Woodford | AG Sprint & Standard | Coach - Sam Procotor

“After a 5 year gap since my last triathlon and feeling I never really had reached my potential, I decided to come back and see how good I could be. Having tried fixed plans in the past, I know that life is not a fixed plan!

I choose to be coached by Sam as I love the numbers and the science but also value his experience as an athlete. Starting from a low base Sam has very carefully built me up over the last year. The approach is very iterative; the training week is consistent, but the sessions are planned a couple of weeks at a time, evolving on how well I’m adapting to the load. When life doesn’t go as planned Sam is always available for advice and a quick change to the plan. I’m pushed but never broken and I’m amazed at how consistent I have been. The consistency is paying off, and I’m back to my best already; I’m excited to see where we can get to..”

Kim Morrison | AG and Pro Triathlete | Kona Qualified Pro | Coach - Mark Pearce

“Mark and I have been working together for my entire professional career. He helped me get there too. I think Mark deserves a medal!

Back in 2014, I was an ambitious age grouper who wanted to race in the PRO field and the best in the Triathlon World. Mark took on my ambitions and has excited me ever since…

We have a fantastic relationship “on and off the field” and both have a love for Records. The first PRO year we won IM70.3 Buenos Aires and stood on IM70.3 podiums in the UK and Sweden. In 2017 we went on to break multiple bike course records and win IM70.3 Texas and stood on IM70.3 podiums in the UK, Sweden and Argentina. Last year (2018) we won IM70.3 Finland and got pretty close to the 100mile TT record. We also got to grips with our approach to IRONMAN racing in Texas and Sweden. 2019 is super exciting with more races to try to win and more records to break.

We work so well because we love to push the boundaries – intelligently, of course”

Louise Fox | Pro Xterra Triathlete | Coach - Mark Pearce

“I have been coached by Mark for over 5 years now, and it's definitely been a worthwhile investment (especially compared to how much most triathletes spend on bikes and kit!!). Why Mark?

His scientific approach to everything, his eye for technical swim coaching, and his extensive knowledge of physiology allow him to work out each athlete's limiting factors and the most efficient way to improve them, given the time constraints available around work and family.
For me, as an Xterra athlete, it's also handy that Mark has first-hand experience of mountain biking at a high level and the different skills & energy systems required compared to riding on the road. I can't think of any other coach that ticks all these boxes”

Zac Pywell | AG Triathlete 70.3/Middle Distance | Coach - Mark Pearce

“Mark has been my coach for over seven years now and that alone is a testament to his coaching ability.

In that time, I have learnt a lot about the sport and, with Mark's input, have consistently improved and trained smarter, learning to build a strong base on which to build upon. His consistency, accessibility, knowledge and adaptability to life and injuries have meant that I've been able to make the most of every season and improve upon the various disciplines, continuously. His wide array of sessions keeps training interesting and enjoyable and I feel that I have matured and improved as a triathlete, moving closer to my goal of becoming a professional triathlete.”

Charlene Tang | AG Iroman | Coach - Mark Pearce

“I’ve only been coached by Mark for 5 months, but he has massively changed how I trained, and we have seen progress that I could not have imagined, particularly on the run and bike.

His approach was always scientific but also very specific to what I needed to break out of the “steady slow” engine I was. When there were rough spots (self inflicted injuries 🙄), Mark was always the very objective voice of reason and would adjust the training program in a way that still keeps us working towards the same goal even with the limitations. While the racing season is only just beginning, I am excited to put the work we have done to the test”!

Alex Mead | AG Triathlete Sprint & Standard | Coach - Mark Pearce

“Well, if you tell me another way of being able to tap into the knowledge of someone who has spent 20+ years of research and learning in all the fields I have questions in, I would love to know!

You can get information and generic plans off the internet, but how do you know if they are right for you? You find a favourite session, but when do you need to incorporate it into your plan? What's the aim of your sessions? What do they actually do? When do you need to ease off, and when do you need to knuckle down?

Fortunately, Mark at Intelligent Triathlon Training always provides an informed answer with common sense. 

I thought when work commitments increased, I wouldn't have the "time" to be coached for my triathlon goals. I spoke to Mark who suggested the Bespoke Training Plans, and for time-stressed training, I can't recommend it enough. Incredible value for money, and no lost time thinking about what training I should be doing. If I've only got an hour to jump on Zwift, then Mark's tailored session is there and ready to go. No faff, and you know the sessions are going to take you to your goal. Still having access to Mark's 20+ years of experience in Physiology, Sports Science and top-level coaching for a plan that I know has been tailored for me is invaluable. Thank you!.”

Jose Rui Galvoa | AG Ironman | Kona Qualifier | Coach - Mark Pearce

“Mark is a very experienced coach with a solid CV around triathlon. This was the major reason why I chose him, and I could also see excellent information on his website.

Even just as a “Bespoke Training Plan” athlete with, sometimes, some consultancy support, I have never had such a high level of training. Mark knows how to get the maximum from me in a very well-structured plan. His expertise allows him to do that even in a bespoke program. If you want to have a coach who can help you perform your best, don’t hesitate to choose him”.

Claire Shea Simonds | AG Ironman | Kona Qualifier | Coach - Mark Pearce

“I started working with Mark after several years of getting close to a sub 10 Ironman, but always falling slightly short of the performance target I had set myself.

I knew the gains I needed to find were predominantly on the bike, whilst also maintaining the strong swim and run that had made me competitive as a top age grouper and regular Kona qualifier for a number of years. Finding these gains were challenged by a demanding full-time job and the fact I was already working very hard towards my Ironman goals… Plus I am a woman over 40 and improvements become harder and harder to find at my age.

I’d seen what Mark had done in transforming the bike performances of other athletes and liked his very focused, scientific and intelligent approach to programming, it suits my own ‘geeky’ predisposition! Mark’s approach is very much tailored to the individual and is responsive and meticulously planned, essential when balancing a decent training load with full-time work. I need to know what I’m doing, when I’m doing it and why.

Mark is also good at looking beyond the numbers and understanding how personal circumstances, personality and preference affect how an individual engages with the programme. I enjoy and appreciate the fact that Mark gives as much attention and energy to me as a 40-something age grouper as he does his pro athletes.

Mark’s coaching philosophy has seemed, for me as an athlete, to focus on building a programme and race strategy around my strengths rather than spending too much time developing my weaknesses, the difference in coaching philosophy is subtle but its influence has been significant in me moving towards my sub 10 target. With Mark’s support and guidance and smart programming, I started to see the bike gains that had eluded me for many years and, for me most significantly, allowed me to execute a well-paced and controlled Ironman to post my fastest ever Ironman at 41 years old. The majority of the gains came on the bike but riding so much stronger allowed me to also run to my potential too. I achieved my goal at Kalmar, Sweden in 2018 with a 9hr53 Ironman and a 3:26 marathon. It also would have secured my 5th Kona slot if I’d been able to take it”!

Neil Cobley | AG Ironman | Coach - Mark Pearce

“When I commenced with ITT I had happily dabbled with Triathlon so far as to get myself through a middle distance (Half Ironman) event with a reasonable result for a middle-aged guy with little knowledge or experience. But that was when I went for it and entered Ironman Vichy.

 Mark helped massively by structuring my training, setting me a weekly schedule and a routine to plan my life around. Working full time and having two daughters means planning is key to my training.

I thrive on praise, but Mark is not one for telling you what you want to hear, more what you need to do to improve. This helped me focus, stick to my plan and try to continuously master my technique. 

All said and done, without Mark, I would not have trained in such a structured and tailored way with a clear view of what I needed to do. It is also my view that I would not have finished so strongly, setting a marathon PB at the end of the day to finish my first Ironman on a massive high. Mark and ITT are top class and I am loving having Mark’s guidance and support”.

Lee Charles | AG Ironman | Kona Qualifier 2018 | Coach - Mark Pearce

“After competing in Triathlon for a number of years it has been easy to repeat the same routine.

I really wanted to keep improving and had fallen into a plateau. ITT has given me a fresh lease of enthusiasm for the sport and I am seeing the performance results too! IM World Champs – KONA 2018.

Mark has a great individual approach with real attention to detail. I think this is rare in Tri coaching (from my experience) and was just what I was looking for. Highly recommended!”

Hannah Munday | AG Ironman | Kona Qualifier (1st British Female AG Overall) 2023 | Coach - Mark Pearce

“Mark and I have been working together for over six years now, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to any athlete looking for a data-driven and scientific approach.

Alongside this, Mark also has an understanding and appreciation of commitments outside of training and provides a holistic and supportive training plan that is often adapted depending on how I feel. Communication is also key in a coach-athlete relationship, and I can always count on Mark to respond quickly to my messages as well as talk in detail during our regular catch-ups. I’m excited to see what we can achieve in the coming years together”!!